Why What Works for Your Friend, Won’t Work For You
January 29th, 2024
We all have that friend, or see that woman at the gym, and feel envious of her physique.
It’s easy to get caught up in comparison. Not only is comparison the thief of joy, it is also not an accurate way to judge yourself.
We all know this, yet our sneaky minds try to compare us anyways!
Here are some important things to consider when you are committing to your health and fitness goals, and why current trends and what works for your friend (or that woman who looks amazing at the gym), may not work for you.
Consider this:
How old is she?
What is her body type?
How are her hormone levels?
How is her metabolism?
How much stress does she have?
What’s her toxicity exposure?
Do you know the answers to each of these? Probably not!
However, you would need to know at least some of these to understand why what works for her is effective.
If you try to follow the same diet and exercise plan, it could be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
Unfortunately, so many women spend their whole lives jumping from diet to diet, never experiencing sustainable results. The reason is because unless she is taking into consideration her unique genetic and environmental factors, she is just throwing spaghetti against a wall and looking to see what sticks.
She may start judging herself and feeling like something is wrong with her, but this is not true! The answer is for her to learn her unique blueprint for thriving. Once she learns what she needs to balance her hormones, feed her body well, and move in a way that supports her body, she will have the recipe for success for the rest of her life.
This is the main reason I am so passionate about functional medicine. It truly gets to the root of the issue and gives actual answers. My VIP days are a one stop shop, where you receive all the answers you need to cultivate true health for the rest of your life.
To receive your blueprint, please fill out the application here and I will reach out to you asap!