Why Diets Don’t Work, but Nutrition Does

The latest diet fads never last and that is because when you are depriving yourself to lose weight, it will never be sustainable. 

Some “diets” may seem to work great for people around you, but what you don’t see from the outside is all of their genetic and environmental factors that play a role in how what they are eating is affecting their body.

You have different genetic and environmental factors than all of the Instagram and TikTok models and guru’s, and even different from your very own blood sister.

Here are my two suggestions to change your eating habits:

  1. Focus more on giving your body more nutrients, rather than removing other foods
  2. Get a custom blueprint to learn what supplements and nutrients you need to thrive

This is one of my favorite ways to approach change. Never fight against what you want to stop, simply add in the new. If you begin adding in good nutrition, you will be receiving the healthy foods you need, and eliminating the foods that no longer serve you will either happen naturally, or be so much more natural when it doesn’t feel like deprivation.

Deprivation really doesn’t work. Nutrition, however, is very important. 

Nutrition = Nourishing your Body

Diet = Depriving your Body

Nutrition is the study of food and how it affects the health and growth of the body. Nutrients are substances found in foods that our bodies use to grow, reproduce and survive. They also help your body repair tissue, carry oxygen, digest foods, and regulate hormones.

Would you like to learn how to begin nourishing your body with more nutrients today? 

Click here to apply to work with me

Dr. Alicia Newsome

Hi, I am Dr. Alicia Newsome

As a doctor, trainer, keynote speaker & executive health coach, I help high-achievers reclaim their lives by helping them understand and work with their bodies’ hormones, digestion, and metabolism.
Copyright 2024 Dr. Alicia Newsome