Master the Art of Delegation

Delegation is the answer to burn out, overwhelm, and…..”giving too much syndrome”!

Do you suffer from giving too much?

If you are like 90% of women, you do so much for others and struggle to receive for yourself. 

Whether you need help, or want to learn to receive more, you are going to want to learn to delegate.

Pull out your journal or a document on your computer, and give yourself 20 minutes to create some ease and support in your life:

Master the Art of Delegation in These 9 Simple Step

1. Write out a list of all actions that need to be done. List everything on you to-do list, things you know need to be done in general (include work/home/family and everything you oversee), and anything weighing on your mind that needs to be captured.

2. Put a star next to the  tasks YOU have to be the one to do. Don’t get stuck here. You don’t have to be the one for at least 50% of the tasks listed. If you really think you do, I invite you to play a game. Why do you have to be the one to do it? In a magical world with unlimited resources, could someone else handle this for you?

3. Put a heart next to the tasks you LOVE doing. This is important, do not skip this step!! As you continue practicing the art of delegation, your delegation skills will evolve until you become a full blown Delegation Queen. The end goal is to do the things you LOVE, and to delegate the rest.

4. Look at the rest of the list and consider who else can do these tasks (even if part of you thinks/wants to be the one!) This is where your resistance may begin coming up. It may seem impossible, you may feel selfish, you may be afraid to ask others for help. Just notice what comes up and breathe through it, knowing this is part of the process. Again, play here. If you lived in a magical world with unlimited resources, which of these could someone else handle for you?

5. PLAY The Delegation Game (don’t take this too seriously!): Write down 1-3 names of others who could complete the remaining tasks, even if you don’t know how it would come to be. It could be your spouse, kids, someone you hire to do it, asking your sister to help, or asking a co-worker to take on the task. I love to write at least one far fetched (maybe even magical) idea… My employer hires a personal assistant for me, someone knocks on my door right now and offers to do it, my niece wants to be my intern and offers to be my personal assistant without pay to learn from me.

6. Feel the difference that has opened up, notice where you can now see it’s possible to have help with these items. Notice how good it would feel to receive support.


7. Choose one person from the Delegation Game to ask to complete each task on the delegation list. Allow yourself to be in this open energy of feeling supported as you ask for help. Be sure to include: 

    • All relevant information they need to complete the task
    • Specific instructions they may need to follow
    • Share if there is an aspect of the tasks they have creative freedom over (you can even tell them you trust them to choose a certain aspect that you are not concerned with. This is always fun for those helping us or completing a work task for us!)
    • Ask when they can have it done, or share when you need it by
    • Give clarity on how to communicate questions and how to tell you it’s been complete

8. Make a note in either a Delegation Calendar, or somewhere you can remember who you asked to do what and when they will do it. You can create a Google Calendar just for tracking others tasks, or simply write it down somewhere you can track it easily. 

9. Practice letting go of control and perfectionism. Notice where you want to step in and control the task. Know that you can always communicate likes/dislikes. Constructive criticism is always a good thing. If someone does something for you and you don’t love it, it’s still a win/win, because you can now see much quicker what you DO want. When you communicate with this attitude and gratitude, you will not hurt anyone’s feelings and this is crucial to being able to delegate. 

You are a kind, loving Queen and others are delighted to support you!


What are you going to start delegating today?? I would love to hear how it goes for you.

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© 2024 Dr. Alicia Newsome