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Testimonial. LB. 39, Doctor
“Dr. Alicia is a master at finding out what is going on in one’s body prior to conception. My husband and I were struggling for years to conceive. After working with Dr. Alicia and her protocols, I can now say that I am pregnant. But not only that, I am experiencing a very healthy pregnancy because we took the time to heal my body and get it in a good place prior to conception. I thank Dr. Alicia for being patient with me. We are welcoming a baby boy this spring.” – LB, 39, Doctor
Case Study. AM, 38, Teacher
Irregular Periods. Heavy Bleeding 5- 7 days. Needed to wear super tampons and overnight pads. Depression for 1-2 weeks before period each month. History of chemical pregnancies. History of miscarriage. Fatigue. Difficulty losing weight. Bloating.
Put trying to get pregnant on hold. Determined to get healthy. Completed Dr. Alicia’s program.
Periods began coming at the same time every month. Learned to easily confirm ovulation each month through Dr. Alicia’s 3-step method. Periods became light - only needed regular tampons for first 3 days, then only panty liner the last two days. Increased energy within first two weeks of program. Bloating is no longer an issue. Lost 35 pounds. Cholesterol levels normalized. Became pregnant after first try.
Case Study. RL. 41, Pharmacist
Constipation- 3-4 days pass without having bowel movement. History of fibroids. Periods last for 9 days (First 3 days need Ultra pad changed every 1.5 hours). Suffered from bloating, tiredness, eczema, acne that needed lots of medications to control. Unable to really enjoy life because of pure daily exhaustion. Can only get by with caffeine.
Started working with Dr. Alicia and life transformed.
Bloating and digestion issues are gone. Skin has cleared up with no medications. Does not drink any caffeine and has energy all day long. Periods are now shorter and lighter. Has no cramping or awful warning signs that period is on the way. Has implemented self-care routines. Living healthy is now easy. No fibroids detected. Is now pursuing a new career in functional medicine.
Case Study. LF. 38, Doctor & Entrepreneur
Struggling with last 10 pounds of weight loss. Cannot tolerate eating meat. It causes constipation. Some other foods cause diarrhea or bloating but unsure what. Body has an overall sense of swelling. Experiences nausea prior to menstrual cycles. High levels of work stress. Would like accountability in improving lifestyle and eating.
Feels generally healthy but would like to improve. Ran lab work and assessments. Determined there were some underlying issues that needed to be addressed.
Has lost 10 pounds. Has improved eating habits drastically. Has begun eating meat with no issues. Digestion has improved significantly overall - no diarrhea, bloating or constipation. Overall body swelling is gone. Could not wear heels before due to feet swelling. Recently wore heels all day long. She has no nausea prior to menstrual cycles.
Testimonial. FT. 52. Applications Specialist
Two weeks into program. Sent via email: “I’ve lost about 8 lbs. I’m pooping more. I noticed after about a week that I had more energy throughout the day. Sometimes at night, I still have energy, but I don’t have trouble going to sleep, or staying asleep.”
Testimonial. LM. 64. Executive Administrative Assistant
“Dear Dr. Alicia. Thank you for introducing me to your program and giving me a chance at a better lifestyle. I have completed my first week and already I am seeing positive results. Since starting, I have lost 3 lbs. and it’s just my first week! My stomach, where I carry a lot of my weight, feels like it has gone down, making it easier for me to breathe. After day two, I have increased energy and am getting a lot done at home on things I have put off from lack of energy. The third result I have noticed is my mind feels clearer. I am remembering things without writing everything down before I forget. I used to get on the computer and say I need to do A, B, and C. After doing A, I would forget what B and C were unless it was written down. I still write it down but my mind feels sharper and I’m remembering. I look forward to all the good things that are going to be going on in my body as I move along in your program.”
Testimonial. AC. 43, Professor
“I went to the OB-GYN today and my cyst on one ovary has reduced, as well as the size. My estradiol levels have decreased as well!!”
Testimonial via Text. Added to IG. HC. 45, Child Care Director
Ovulation Confirmed. Yay!!!
Case Study. SA. 39, Business Owner
History of PCOS. Intense sugar cravings. Drinks Starbucks Monday through Friday with extra shots of expresso. Needs this in order to “function”. Hair has been shedding (male patterned baldness/thinning). Unable to lose weight. Not feeling sexy or liking the way she looks. Diagnosed with IBS - has lots of bloating and pain after eating. Pain would have her hunched over in pain after eating. Has family stress which causes unhealthy coping patterns.
Since starting Dr. Alicia’s program, lost 15 pounds. Feels much better in clothes! Has taken major steps to advance career. Increased confidence to book speaking engagements and photoshoots for her business. Took major steps to separate from family stress. Sugar cravings have decreased significantly and is easily going for the healthy foods. No digestive problems or pain. Energy levels have increased dramatically. Has not needed any caffeine.
Case Study. LN. 36, Business Owner
Client’s husband reported issues with weight gain, low energy, erection issues, abnormal liver enzymes & right-sided testicular atrophy.
Client entered Dr Alicia’s program and followed recommendations in addition to supporting his wife.
Client completed program. Lost 20 pounds. Increased energy and libido. Reports both testicles are “full” and equal in size. Client cholesterol and liver have improved.
Case Study. CM. 49, General Manager
Client was recently diagnosed with Insulin dependent Type II Diabetes. Overweight. Unable to maintain an erection. Low energy. Moody. A1C was 11.
Client followed Dr Alicia’s recommendations. Client lost 45 pounds. Client energy and mood have stabilized. Able to maintain erection. A1C is within normal range at 5.